Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Believing in Miracles

Welcome to the Habari Safari Web Log. This is a blog I can update from the field and hopefully I will be able to do so. Sometimes I don't know when I can eat, much less dodge into an internet cafe and update the ole' blog. But I can try. I know many are praying for this trip and I want you to be able to see what God is doing as it happens.

There is also an opportunity to share my musings while I am on the field. I think and dream about reaching the world a lot and really intensively when I am on a trip. It is non-stop and I have to pinch myself to prove I'm not dreaming. Can God really be doing these things? Yes!

I also plan to share prayer requests so you can pray for us in real-time. Hopefully the pictures will keep coming as I plan to actually carry my camera, which I almost never do. It gets in the way and I really dislike stopping down and snapping a shot. But I will get over it if it means you will pray more for us. Deal? Deal!

For the Harvest,

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