The drive to Mugumu was about 2 hours on a paved road, and another 5 hours off-road, and I do mean off road! Hopefully tomorrow I will share some pictures of some mud-holes.
But all in all the trip was an adventure. We saw a lot of villages along the way and the weather was good for most of it, but it did rain a little during the journey. Rainy season is like that. It rains every day, but usually no more than an hour. But when it rains, it creates big streams in the country-side that washes out roads and bridges. (See a previous post)

Our main rest stop in the middle of our off-road adventure was in a village called Ikizu, where we sat on the porch of the Urafiki guest house and shared cokes and stories. What a time!
When we arrived at the Giraffe Garden Hotel the fun was only beginning. Did I mention they had no air conditioning and no hot water? I know for you hard-core guys it might sound like a sissy complaint, but no air conditioning means you sleep under mosquito nets and they should be in good condition. Were ours in good condition? Hardly. I'll let you know if I get Malaria. Pray for me:-)
More fun when we took showers in the morning. But is was refreshing. I'll wait till next blog to tell you about the actual conference. Thanks again for your prayers.
For the Harvest,
Nice to see your 'mug' in the pictures...you look well. And what's this about "cokes"??? Sounds like they (and you) need another type of conversion, too...that is to Dr Pepper!!! :-)
Be well..we miss you and continue to keep you in our prayers.
Man, you don't know what I would do right now for a Dr. Pepper. If only they were available! You should make a call to the distribution department or something!
You passed through Nyamuswa which is a village where I lived for two years. It's not called Ikizu, but the vast majority of the people there are from the Ikizu tribe. Oh the Urafiki!...
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