The days begin to run together and our time seems short, but it is fun--very fun. I don't know that Tanzanians know what to think of us North Texans. We must look like a crazy bunch!
The first day we saw nearly 500 professions of faith in Christ. We rejoice in the work, and know it is only the beginning. The distance between our two cultures almost guarantees that many of those professions are incomplete. There must be follow-up to preserve the harvest so that is why we plant churches! There is no better place to grow in Christ than a church and for many of these people, there is not a church withing walking distance, so they have zero opportunity to be discipled. Bibles are more precious than fresh water, and fresh water is plenty dear.

Tanzanians are very receptive to our bunch. In many ways they are amazed we would take the time to come to them. In the bush (countryside) where we are working, they know they are poor and don't understand why we would even be interested. So they are touched when we tell them the love of Christ made us come. They are very open, but the culture gap couldn't be wider. Our best strategy is to mentor and encourage leaders, for it will be they who really connect with the Tanzanians and disciple them to maturity.
It is our last full day of field ministry before we close this part of our trip. Tomorrow, we will revisit Fonelisco and celebrate the work with a closing rally at a nearby church. The pastors in each of the eight areas will be there with many of their people. The celebration will be packed and we will try to get pictures enough to give you the feeling of the event. There will be choirs and music and preaching and food and everyone will have a great time in the Lord. He is good!

I went out with Donna this morning. We haven't done that together for four years. She is a joy to work with. Her love for Christ really shows and the Tanzanians catch it. It reminds me that none of us could do this work without each other. Thanks for those who are supporting us financially and with prayers.
For the Harvest,
Well, thanks Phil, for selecting the picture of me that looks like a clown when all of the others look like serious missionaries. I guess I am the one that posed, eh?
Yes, it's very fun and very rewarding. It was hard to say goodbye to the neighborhood but at least I have some awesome things to look forward to tomorrow. Fonelisco and then at the rally....fantastik kwiah! Boys, it jest dudn git eny beddrn nis.
Dear Phil & team,
We have been thinking of you, praying for you, and missing you all. It looks like you're having an amazing time, and even better, seeing an awesome harvest of souls. What a blessing to see the preparation and prayer paying off.
Enjoy the safari time, and we'll pray for your safe return home.
Much love from the Geesamans...
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